What Size is Birble?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Savannah Bound!

Birble is going on his/her first road trip (in utero)!!! We will be hopping in the Jeep tomorrow and hitting the pavement to Savannah, GA. Some sun and fun are surely in our cards! I'll post when we get home with stories and photos.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby "Stuff"

Well... the shopping has started :).

I forgot my white tank-top on our trip to NOVA for training, and I needed one to wear with my tops (so as not to be R-rated in training), so what else is a girl to do but shop?!? I couldn't bring myself to spend the money on a shirt that I'll only be able to wear for a couple more weeks (if that), so I made my first purchase in a maternity shop... It feels so strange! The shirt is really cute though!!!

Also... I must have unintentionally made Barry feel bad about the fact that he didn't get me a Mother's Day gift. He did make me breakfast in bed - which was my only request - so he passed with a capital "P" in my book! He mentioned the fact that I didn't get a gift a couple times recently, and I told him it was really okay, but he wanted to buy me something anyway. So, on our way home from NOVA, we made a stop at another mall (yes, that's 2 mall trips in 4 days!) so he could buy me a diaper bag. It's beautiful!

I have now officially bought maternity clothing and something for the baby. Very exciting!

Friday, May 21, 2010

People Amaze Me

It has been my experience that when someone says "people amaze me," they mean that someone has done something stupid, wrong or hurtful...

Today, I feel like saying "people amaze me," but with a very different spin. I have the most amazing friends and family any woman could ask for. Letting out this baby secret has brought-out the most amazing reactions from people who know me, including people I haven't talked to in YEARS. I feel so blessed! This baby will be so blessed to have such wonderful people in his/her life!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We're Expecting!

Exciting news from the Gooden household... we're having a baby!

Welcome to the "baby blog." This is where we will document the joy and excitement of the next few months. We cannot wait to share the wonderful experiences of our pregnancy (and the craziness that will surely ensue).

We are due December 12, 2010, so wish us luck over the next 6 months!

Barry and Englash