What Size is Birble?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, October 25, 2010

Picture Day

Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day, and Hubby and I spent it at Dad's harbor house in Mathews, VA. It was absolutely wonderful!

While we were there, Tyler Darden joined us to take maternity portraits. I can't wait to see how they turn-out when he sends me a link next week! It was a lot of fun, and quite a production... Barry held the light reflector while Dad held the light disperser... I felt like a movie star :). Hopefully, there will be a couple good ones that we can frame for Ryleigh's room.

Now that we're less than 7 weeks away, I plan to wash baby clothes and install the car seats this weekend... That way, no matter when Ryleigh decides to make her arrival, we will be ready for her!!! I have to admit, I am going to be sad when the pregnancy is over. I really love being able to feel her move around in my belly... I know that is how life goes as a parent though - sad to see one phase go, but excited about the next. Welcome to motherhood!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Barry and I made time for the 2 of us this past weekend. Our last "hoorah" before Ryleigh joins us :). We didn't go out of town, but we had a wonderful "stay"cation. Here's a snapshot of the wonderful weekend!
Friday - prenatal massage at Red Door Spa for me while Barry worked on the Jeep, finished-up registry shopping, followed by pizza and a movie marathon on the sofa!
Saturday - Richmond Zoo with picnic lunch and dinner at Longhorn steakhouse (yum!!)
Sunday - Richmond Museum of Fine Arts, brunch at The Jefferson followed by a nap and DVR clean-out session on the sofa.
SO relaxing! It was great to spend time just the two of us, doing nothing but fun - no phones and no chores. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baby Shower Pictures... Finally :)

Single Digit Countdown

That's right... we're at 8 weeks and counting on 17 October 2010. 2 months until Ryleigh is scheduled to join us!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Gear and Unpacking :)

It's beginning to look a lot like baby...
Everywhere in the house...
There's a pack 'n play in here,
a baby swing in there,
and baby clothes everywhere you turn!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crazy Dream!

I had the most vivid dream last night! Ryleigh was squirming around in my belly, as she likes to do, and when Barry and I looked down, we saw her foot... the whole thing, toenails and all... pressing out against my skin! Then, she pressed her face out, and we could see the whole contour of her profile. I think it means that I'm ready to see my baby girl :). 67 days to go to her due date!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Less than 10 weeks to go!!!!

I can't believe that Ryleigh will be here in 10 weeks or less! So exciting!!!

This past Sunday, my Mom and Momma G hosted a baby shower for Barry and me :). We will post pictures as soon as we get them on the computer. The good news is that the loved ones who joined us at this last shower blessed us with beautiful gifts. We only have a couple items left to buy and we'll be prepared! Hopefully, I will feel up to shopping this weekend.

Now... we have to wash and put everything away! :)

This has been a very tough week already... My cold has turned into a painful sinus infection. I finally received antibiotics yesterday, but I can't lift my head off the pillow and have to stay on the left side to prevent an extreme amount of pressure in my eye and jaw. Fingers crossed that I will feel like myself again by the weekend...