What Size is Birble?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Car Seat Doesn't Fit...

Hubby and I went back and forth on whether to keep my car or sell it and just drive the truck. We decided to refinance it for a lower payment and keep it, since it is the lower mileage vehicle with a warranty... BUT... the car seat doesn't fit!!!

Well... that's not 100% accurate... The car seat fits, but the front passenger seat is uncomfortably close to the dash when the car seat is installed.

AND... her stroller (the small umbrella stroller that I was so proud to have chosen over the monstrosity that most 1st time mommies buy) takes up the WHOLE trunk. I'm serious... NO room for groceries...

How can someone who is going to weigh approx 8 lbs and be less than 2 feet long take up a WHOLE vehicle?!?!

Monday, November 29, 2010

38 Weeks and Counting...

We received good news from the doctor today! Based on our ultrasound, Ryleigh is a healthy, normal-sized baby... YAY!!! As of today, they estimate 7lbs, 3oz :).

On the flip-side: because she's average in size, no early induction is planned, AND I made very little progress since last week (still at 1-2 cm and 50% effaced, despite all the contractions!!!!)... I am a bit disappointed, but I know it's all part of a greater plan. So... bring on the spicy food and long walks!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Having Contractions

I am 2 weeks out from my due date, and I'm starting to have contractions. Tonight, it feels like one big contraction that won't stop. I can't say how far apart they are, cause I can't quite tell. They are not really painful though, so I'm not too concerned. I have a doctor's appointment with ultrasound tomorrow, so we'll see how much progress has been made... Fingers crossed that she'll be here soon!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Give Thanks!

Granted, she's still in utero, but Ryleigh celebrated Thanksgiving and Black Friday with us!

Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL! Breakfast with the Goodens, my Mom and Jade followed by a traditional turkey meal at Dad and Joy's house. It was a blessed day to spend time with family :). Barry and I ended our day by relaxing on the sofa at home, reflecting on everything wonderful in life that makes us so thankful.

As for today, Black Friday... Ryleigh is trying to make her way into this big, crazy world, and to try to convince her that it is much safer in my belly, Barry and I took her to the 4am opening at Target, followed by the 5am opening at Best Buy. I don't think it worked... although there were TONS of people waiting in line, there was no shoving, cursing, trampling or violence of any kind to deter her. If anything, I think I may have enticed her further to join us by being on my feet at 3am drinking hot chocolate...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Progress Being Made...

So... my doctor estimates Ryleigh at 7.5 lbs already... But to be more accurate, we have another ultrasound scheduled for Monday. Fingers crossed she stays put till then!! Turns-out, I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated, so she really could decide to join us at any time! YAY!!!

Full Term Baby!

With 20 days left to go until my due date, Ryleigh is officially considered "full term." I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so hopefully I'll get a better idea of when little missy will grace us with her presence. I just hopes she holds-out till after Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swimming Feels GREAT!

If I'm honest, working-out has been difficult recently. I've been trying to walk, but since the baby has dropped, long walks are getting uncomfortable. I can feel that I'm gaining weight more quickly, and I suspect it's a little faster than is typical... so...

Now I'm swimming! Our gym has an indoor pool, and it has given me the opportunity to workout while weightless. I recommend it to any pregnant woman who wants to workout, not sweat and not feel like her pelvis is about to fall out of her body :).

Only caveat... make sure you buy a maternity swimsuit with EXTRA space! This summer, I bought 2 that fit well... Now, one won't go over my belly and the other exposes an inch or so of belly skin. Sorry fellow swimmers, you're just going to have to deal with seeing a bit of my baby belly for the next 3 weeks or so!

Monday, November 15, 2010

36 Week Check-Up

We had our 36 week exam today, and everything looks good! Ryleigh is head-down and LOW! Even though she's anxious to join us and ready to go, my body is not at all interested in delivery... No doubt we will be going-in for our 37 week check-up :).

Friday, November 12, 2010

1 Month to Go!

And Mommy's getting nervous... The reality of the labor and delivery process is starting to hit me. Everyone who has been through it tells me not to worry and to try to enjoy because it will be okay, and over before I know it. I'm trying!

In the meantime... I am so very excited to see my baby girl! I have only a couple more things to do to prepare for her arrival. I want to prep and freeze some meals, finish my Christmas shopping, learn how to use my Moby wrap and order maternity portrait prints. Hopefully that can all be accomplished over the next week or so :).

Monday, November 8, 2010

What a Weekend?!

My weekend started out wonderfully! I had dinner with friends Friday night, went to the Craftsman's Christmas Classic with Auntie Bridget on Saturday, dinner out with hubby Saturday night and church and P.F. Chang's to celebrate Momma G's b-day on Sunday.

It was down-hill... or should I say, down-stairs... Sunday night. My off-balance, pregnant body struggled with the last 4 stairs, and decided to go down them butt-first. With a huge bruise on my booty (not to mention my ego) and a cut on my hand, I went to the doctor today. They did a bio-profile test on Ryleigh to make sure she is okay. We did about 30 mins of non-stress monitoring and then an ultrasound. They were looking for her heart-rate, breathing patterns, movement patterns and circulation within the heart. She passed her test with flying colors - 8/8, 100%! I'm so proud!

She kicked the mess out of the non-stress test sensors... Maybe she was dancing to the sound of her heartbeat? The ultrasound technician was SO nice to us. She spent extra time letting us watch our baby girl. She first confirmed for us that Ryleigh is in-deed female! She also showed us that she is head-down, and so close to the front of my uterus that we were able to watch her cutie-patootie face as she sucked her fingers, swallowed and practiced her breathing. A couple times, she opened her mouth stuck her tongue out, followed quickly by popping her hand in her mouth. What can I say but "very cool!" She was a squirmy girl and wouldn't sit still the whole time! It was amazing to watch!

Here are the pictures we got to go home with...

Ryleigh face-on:

Ryleigh sucking her thumb:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Push Gift!

Hubby and I have been spending a lot of time together... working from home full time and enjoying our down time together. It has been wonderful! Last weekend, he took me on a "surprise" date to Cinebistro (the new theatre/restaurant experience in Richmond). AND... since we were at the mall, he bought me my "push" gift - a bunch of charms for my Brighton bracelet (a thoughtful "mommy" gift from my baby shower). He's a keeper!