What Size is Birble?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Go Birble Go! Genetic Screening Clear!

I am so happy to report that baby Gooden has passed yet another genetic screening test. I know a lot of people choose not to have the tests done because of the risk of false alarms, but since my baby is passing these tests with flying colors, my mind is at ease. I couldn't be more excited!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

St. Mary's Hospital Tour

Hubby, Birble and I went on our first hospital tour this past week. We went to St. Mary's in Richmond. I have heard good things about the hospital and was very comfortable getting around the hospital as that is where I go for my OB appointments. But, I still was hesitant about the hospital because in the back of my mind, I thought it was "old." Boy was I wrong!! They recently renovated the whole labor, delivery and postpartum wings. It was very comfortable, private and secure. I am impressed!!

The experience of seeing the delivery and postpartum rooms in-person gave me a sense that this is all very real. That tour, combined with my expanding belly, has led to more emotions, excitement and even dreams about my little one on the way. I even went so far as to have my first "talk" with Birble this week. Up to this point, I had done little more than say hi... Despite the "side effects," I am thoroughly enjoying being pregnant.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Did I Feel It Move?!?!

I know it's a little bit too early to feel the baby move for most first-time mommas, so I'm not going to "count" what I felt last night... BUT, I was laying in bed around 3 this morning (after one of my many mid-night potty breaks) and felt a couple sensations of something "rolling" down my lower belly from the inside. It only happened twice and hasn't happened since then, so it could have very well been indigestion (ugh), but could it have been Birble?!?! Maybe it was just my excitement... I love the fact that I should start feeling the movements sometime in the next month - very exciting!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nesting Already?!?!

We bought baby furniture!!! When I found-out that it was going to take 12 weeks to get the furniture we like from the builder, I started to worry that I might not be able to get the nursery decorated before the end of my 2nd trimester. So... we ordered it! Here's a picture of the collection.
We decided to get the convertible crib, the dresser (without the hutch so we can also use it as a changing table) and the nightstand (mostly for me at the start...). We also ordered the mattress and my glider!!!!! I can't wait to get my booty in that chair!

Next up... registry!!! I'll give Barry a couple weeks off before I ask him to do the first-round of registering. That will give me some time to keep researching the safety, value and quality of the products I'm considering (my Baby Bargains book is currently my favorite source of information).

So much to do! I guess that's one of the reasons God gives you 9 months to prepare...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Caution: Girly Weekend Ahead!

I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by!!! It's already mid-June and I haven't had a party during this whole 1/2 year. I think it's time to rectify this situation.

This weekend, I am hosting a gaggle of women at my house for a Sex and the City 2 party. We are going to have girlie drinks (mocktails for me) and appetizers while we screen Sex and the City for a "refresher." Then, it's off to the theater for round 2.

If Birble's a boy, I feel bad for him this Saturday because he doesn't get to hang-out at home with his Daddy. If Birble's a girl, she will get her first taste of fashion this weekend!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome 2nd Trimester! I think...

It's unclear to me for sure if the 2nd trimester begins at week 13 or 14... it really depends on the source you read. Why so important? Because I'm REALLY ready to stop feeling sick and get my energy back!!!! I guess I was hoping it would be a light-switch this past Sunday when I moved into week 13, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the instantaneous relief I was hoping for will hit me later this week or early next week.

Birble and I had a very nice weekend! Friday night was "date night"! Hubby took us to Carabba's (my favorite) for pizza and then shopping for baby furniture. We found some we all agree on, so now we're researching safety, value, etc. Hopefully we'll be ready to order in a couple weeks! Saturday was spent doing chores around the house and watching movies with hubby. Sunday was lunch with "Auntie Bridgie" and a mini-shopping spree. This mini-shopping spree proved to me that this baby is going to be spoiled. Know how? Because I had a gift card to Williams-Sonoma, and do you know what I bought? A BABY FOOD MAKER!!!! That's right... this son or daughter of mine is not even close to born yet, and even further from solid food, but CLEARLY (note my own sarcasm) I needed a baby food steamer/chopper/super-duper creator machine along with the cookbook and storage container. It's a really good thing Barry loves me :).

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Who Knew Ultrasounds Were So Cool?!?!

Hubby accompanied me today for our first trimester screening appointment. This was an optional test to look at blood work and a few specific attributes of the baby's development to try to determine if the baby has down syndrome, trisomy 13 or trisomy 18. This is a noninvasive, low-risk test that can rule-out the need for further, more invasive testing.

Great news!! Birble passed with flying colors! Already proud of my little one :).

What was really neat about this experience is that because I opted for the test, I got to go for a "real deal" ultrasound experience today. Typically, this 45 minute thorough examination of the baby doesn't happen until 20 weeks (and even though all looked good today, we will still have our 20 week ultrasound). Since I was in there looking at Birble for so long, I got to watch him/her moving around, responding to my laughs and coughs and hear his/her heartbeat. And because of the sophisticated technology at this doctor's office, we have pictures of almost every part of the baby, including a couple (lumpy) 3D renderings.

Birble's Face

Birble's Profile

Birble in 3D (and being shy)

Birble's Feet

Birble's Feet

Birble's Heart

Birble's Hands

Birble's Adorable Facial Profile

Savannah was Beautiful!

Savannah, GA is a beautiful city!! We had a great time with some great friends :). It was interesting traveling in my first trimester... I am toward the end and feeling better, so that's good news, but there was a good amount of laying on the sofa (well... Alli's blow-up mattress) and watching movies. Other things we did: eat, sleep, site-see, eat, sleep, beach, eat, sleep... I think that covers it!

Here are a few pictures from another great trip!