What Size is Birble?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Birble is a GIRL!!!!

What an exciting week!!!!!!! We found out that we are having a daughter. The 20 week ultrasound revealed with 99% certainty that Birble is going to be a lady :). She looks healthy in all respects and is growing at the right pace, so we are thrilled!

I will be honest... Hubby and I were prepared for a boy (I don't know why), so it took me a couple days to wrap my head around having a little girl. I was so very thrilled by the surprise that I got emotional in the ultrasound room. Fortunately, the technician didn't notice.

In my effort to "get used to the idea of having a girl," I bought some "girly" stuff. This little princess is going to be so spoiled :). She now has bedding selected, 6 onesies and 4 sets of mittens - all in some variety of pink, green or purple. That's right... my newborn will be dressed in style, no doubt!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Snack Time!!

I don't think there is much to say... Georgetown Cupcakes!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby Gear - Part 1

We completed our first round of registering for baby "stuff," but it was not easy... We used a few different resources and friends' recommendations to pick out the products that we hope will work well for Birble. We chose to order the stroller and car seat ourselves since the ones we wanted were not available through Babies R Us (where we registered). They arrived yesterday!!!! The baby gear is officially accumulating now!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rockin' and Rollin'

This is a very exciting time for us. I am feeling much better and have the energy to go out and do fun stuff again. Recent outings include... dinner with "auntie Bridget," lunch with PaPa, dinner with Dad and Joy, dinner with Kelly and Justin, brunch at The Jefferson with Dawn and Kelly, dinner at KenTico with Dawn's family, more dinner with "auntie Bridget," all-you-can-eat cheese and chocolate fondue with Kelly and Justin, lunch with Mom, "mommies lunch" with Chris, and catching up with an old friend from 15 years ago!!! whew... Now you see why I haven't posted in over a week :). Lots of baby-related updates too, but I'll post those a little later this week.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Birble's Moving!

I know Birble has been moving around for quite a while. Watching him or her move on the ultrasound was one of the most thrilling experiences of my pregnancy to date, but now I CAN FEEL THE BABY MOVE!!! It has been consistent for the last few days. When I sit still on the sofa in a seated position, I can feel what I would describe as bubbles rolling up or down my lower abdomen. It's sensational!!! I feel even more connected to this baby now :).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Baby WBS

How am I supposed to know what to do by when to prepare for Birble? I just couldn't answer this question with one of the "online" to-do lists/schedules/calendars, so I decided to create my own. And using my project management training (and giving in to my control freak tendencies), I created a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It's partially for fun, but it did give me a serious look at the long to-do list between now and December. Here's an excerpt:Going to be fun and busy!!!